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rumunija3.png Romania
"Kenobi" SRL
RO-440122 Satu Mare
Str. Aurel Vlaicu nr. 74.
Tel: +40-(0)261-714820; +40-(0)261-714821
Fax: +40-(0)261-710852
E-mail: [email protected]
"Farmari Agricola srl"
Loc.Popesti-Leordeni, Jud.Ilfov, Str.Occidentului 71, ROMANIA
Phone: 0734 564 405
"Agri Tocan SRL"
107-119 No, Mihai Bravu Street
021313 , Bucharest - ROMANIA
Phone/Fax: +40 31 060 14 14
Mobile : +40 722 411 657