"Radviliskis Machine Factory" is taking part in following exhibitions in 2024:
2024.02.06-09 woodworking exhibition in FRANCE, Lyon - "Eurobois": https://www.eurobois.net/en ;
2024.03.06-07 exhibition for energy solutions for profitable and sustainable farming in UNITED KINGDOM, Stoneleigh - "Low Carbon Agriculture": https://www.lowcarbonagricultureshow.co.uk ;
2024.05.13-17 world leading trade fair IFAT for waste and raw materials management in GERMANY, Munich: https://ifat.de/en/ ;
2024.07.04-06 exhibition "Farmari Mikkeli" for agriculture, countryside, farm life and animals in FINLAND, Mikkeli: https://www.tradefairdates.com/Farmari-M13986/Mikkeli.html#google_vignette ;
2024.10.13-17 largest agricultural indoor fair ever in FINLAND, Helsinki “MaatalousKonemessut”: https://maatalouskone.messukeskus.com/?lang=en ;
2024.11.12-15 leading trade fair for decentralized energy supply in Hannover, GERMANY "Energy Decentral" - "Eurotier": https://www.energy-decentral.com/en/